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Lead Educator – Friends’ Early Learning

APPLICATIONS CLOSING Monday 3 February 2025
Early Childhood Education

We are seeking to appoint a knowledgeable, caring and innovative Early Childhood Lead Educator to join our dynamic Early Learning team.

Fixed-Term, Full-Time

We are seeking to appoint a knowledgeable, caring and innovative Early Childhood Lead Educator to join our dynamic Early Learning team. As a leader of an early childhood team, you will work collaboratively with colleagues to support children’s learning and development through engaging play-based learning programs.

Alongside our Quaker values and the Early Years Learning Framework, our Centre implements the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program and is informed by the principles of Reggio Emilia. Knowledge and experience with the EYLF and Reggio Emilia inspired practice is desirable with an ACECQA approved early childhood qualification essential, at a minimum of Certificate III.

This is a wonderful opportunity to join an Early Learning Centre which has proudly achieved an overall rating of Exceeding the National Quality Standard (NQS).

This role is being offered on a fixed-term, full-time basis with participation in an RDO roster. The role will commence as soon as possible and go through to 23 December 2025.

A comprehensive position description along with details required for applying for this position, is provided under the employment section of The Friends’ School website  

Applications must include:

  • an introductory letter outlining your interest in and suitability for the role
  • a resume
  • a completed application form

and should be received by 9.00am, Monday 3 February 2025 Please address your application to Esther Hill – Principal, and email to [email protected].

The Friends' School

  • DP
  • PYP
+61 3 6210 2200
23 Commercial Road North Hobart, TAS-7002 AU