Celebrating 20 years of the IB
August 28, 20182018 marks the 20th anniversary of the International Baccaulaureate (IB) diploma programme at MLC.
The internationally regulated qualification is offered as an alternative to the VCE and VCE VET pathways, and provides students with an additional qualification option in their final years of schooling at MLC.
“The IB program allows MLC to effectively cater to our students’ varied learning styles, interests and abilities,” explains Head of Senior School, Anne Wallington.
IB students work through a two year program and are required to study one subject from each of six distinct areas – the arts, mathematics, sciences, individuals and societies, language acquisition and studies of language and literature.
“The IB program is a broad course that is very focused on developing the whole person,” explains IB Co-ordinator, Rebecca Bunnett. “The program’s international focus and commitment to developing independent learners dovetail with MLC’s broader mission and values.”
For Year 12 students, Ella Katz and Tola Beavis, the depth and breadth of the IB curriculum was a draw card.
“I love all areas of learning and was excited to choose my IB subjects from across six areas of study. It’s an amazing qualification and offers another level of opportunity,” says Ella, who has particularly enjoyed the Extended Essay component of the program.
“I’ve been able to complement my interest in feminism with my desire to explore and understand my family history,” explains Ella, who has chosen to research women’s resistance in Nazi Germany for her Extended Essay, examining how social constructs of femininity shaped the role of women.
“In addition to their six subjects, the IB features three additional, compulsory components. These include an Extended Essay, an interdisciplinary Theory of Knowledge (ToK) course and the Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) component, which enables students to enhance their personal and interpersonal development, as well as their social and civic development, through experiential learning,” explains Rebecca.
“These core elements encourage students to become independent learners and foster transferable skills including communication, reflection, critical thinking and inquiry.”
“Having three core elements on top of your six academic subjects means you need to be organised,” says Tola. “The IB has helped me learn to prioritise and to effectively balance personal and study commitments. With the deep engagement in subject matter over the two years, the IB has also helped me become a more critical and reflective learner – skills that I hope will stand me in good stead at university and beyond.”
For further information and link to the original publication in April 2018 please visit: https://issuu.com/mlckew/docs/9325_mlc_the_star_april_2018_5.1_we