PYP Role of the Coordinator (Category 3)

Making the PYP Happen in the Classroom (Category 1)

MYP Mathematics (Category 2)
DP Japanese B (Mixed Category 1/2)

French B (Mixed Category 1/2)

Latin (Mixed Category 1/2)

Theory of Knowledge (Category 2)

English A: Literature (Category 2)

Economics (Category 2)


Registration is through the Professional Conference Manager’s website at the cost of AUD$650 (inc. GST) per participant until February 26 and $AUD727 (inc GST) from February 27.


Registrants should click the following link which will open a new window to access the on line registration process.


Links to this registration website are also provided on the IB website.


The Registration Information Pack which includes details of negotiated hotel rates and contact details is attached.


For further details and  contact regarding registration please contact the Workshop Secretariat



sapro is part of the sapmea groupUnit 12, 202 Glen Osmond Road, Fullarton SA 5063
Tel: +618 8274 6060
Fax: +618 8274 6000
Email: mail [email protected]