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IB Schools Australasia at IB Asia-Pacific annual conference

April 7, 2016
Each year the International Baccalaureate® (IB), Asia-Pacific (Singapore branch) presents the IB Asia-Pacific Annual Conference. The 2016 conference was held from 17-19 March at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre, Hyderabad, India.

The annual conference provides an opportunity for educational leaders, decision makers and practitioners from schools, universities and governments to come together to share best practices around cultivating the way we are educating students.

Motivated by the IB Mission, the conference fosters partnership and participation, providing a forum for discussions on educational quality, pedagogical leadership and international mindedness.

Ashley Coats, Chair of IB Schools Australasia together with Standing Committee member Antony Mayrhofer presented a networking session on 20 March.

Click here to see the PowerPoint presentation.