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Inaugural Visiting Speaker Series: Registration is now open!

April 15, 2015


The inaugural Visiting Speaker Series brings the expertise and experience of Dr John Munro for broad-reaching conversations that motivate and educate. The series offers parents, students and teachers a unique opportunity to gain invaluable ideas and resources to ensure that students are fully equipped for the academic rigors of Year 11 and 12. 


Dr Munro will focus on: 

Catering for gifted learners in the IB: Strategies for differentiating the pedagogy for talented outcomes 


The venues for the presentations will be: 

Sydney –Tuesday 28 April 2015 at 7 pm 

St Andrews Cathedral School, 

SACS Senior College Auditorium (MCNA) 51 Druitt Street, (not St Andrew’s House, in Sydney Square), Sydney New South Wales 2000


Melbourne Monday 4 May 2015 at 7 pm 

Lauriston Girls School, 38 Huntingtower Road, Armadale, Victoria 3143 


Adelaide –TUESDAY 5 May 2015 at 5.30 pm (Note change of date and time) 

(Light refreshments available from 5 pm) 

Mercedes College 540 Fullarton Road, Springfield, South Australia 5062 


New Zealand – Auckland Wednesday May 20th at 6 pm 

School House Dining Room, Diocesan School for Girls, Clyde Street, Epsom, Auckland, New Zealand. 



Registration is necessary as seats are limited. 

Registration is available online at 

Registration fee is A $85 including GST. Credit Cards accepted.

