July 2014 PYP workshop bookings (updated)
January 23, 2014Registration is now open for IB PYP workshops from 9-11 July at Trinity Grammar School, Summer Hill, Sydney. The registration links are as follows:
IB PYP workshops from 9-11 July at Trinity Grammar School, Summer Hill, NSW
Regional Workshops conducted in partnership with the IB Asia Pacific Office.
Trinity Grammar School, Australia
Wednesday 9 July to Friday 11 July 2014
PYP Making the PYP Happen category 1: Early Years
PYP Making the PYP Happen category 1: Primary Years
PYP 3-5 year olds category 3
PYP Assessment for the Early Years category 2
PYP Pedagogical Leadership in the Early Years category 2
PYP Play-based Learning category 3
IB Approved Regional Workshops
Wednesday 9 July to Friday 11 July 2014
Programme Schedule
The structure of each subject workshop features 12 sessions delivered over the course of 3 days. Refer to the cover page for the type of subjects offered at the venue.
Time |
Day 1 (9 July)) |
Day 2 (10 July) |
Day 3 (11 July) |
8.30 – 9.00 am |
Welcome by IB and Introduction |
Session 5 |
Session 9 |
9.00 – 10.00 am |
Session 1 |
10.00 – 10.30 am |
10.30 – 12.00 pm |
Session 2 |
Session 6 |
Session 10 |
12.00 – 1.00 pm |
1.00 – 2.30 pm |
Session 3 |
Session 7 |
Session 11 |
2.30 – 3.00 pm |
3.00 – 4.30 pm |
Session 4 |
Session 8 |
Session 12 (finishes 4pm) |
Refer to the workshop descriptions at www.ibo.org/ibap/workshops to ascertain the level of IB teaching experience(s) in that specific subject needed to attend a workshop.
Representatives from schools that have registered interest to implement IB programmes and independent teachers who are not currently teaching in IB schools may register for introductory and/or Category 1 workshop only.
Workshop participants will be provided with an agenda by the Workshop Leaders once the workshops have been confirmed.
Certificate of Attendance
An official “IB Certificate of Attendance” is only awarded to registered participants who have attended ALL sessions of a subject workshop. Please ensure that your travel arrangements do not preclude your candidacy for a certificate.
Workshop Fee includes:-
Refreshment breaks and lunches for 3 days
- Catering will be no pork no lard only
- Vegetarian food will be available
Workshop materials
** Fee excludes cost of travel and hotel accommodation.
Standard Registration Fees: A$ 845 including GST. Early Bird Registration Fee up to and including Thursday 15 May 2014: A$ 780 including GST. AAIBS member schools will receive a rebate of A $100 for one participant at this AAIBS sponsored workshop series. Schools will be invited to claim rebates in October 2014.
Cancellation of registration must be made in writing to the conference Secretariat [email protected]
Fees paid will be refunded as follows:
– Cancellation on or before Wednesday 18 June 2014 – full payment less administration fee of A $110.
– Cancellation after that date – no refund
Participant replacement – deadline Tuesday 1 July 2014 which incurs an administration fee of A $110.
Workshop participants are responsible for booking their own accommodation.
Hotel bookings are no longer available via the online registration form. Should you wish to make a new booking or make changes to an existing booking, please contact the hotel directly by using this link