ACT PYP Network
The ACT PYP Network provides a forum for collaboration for PYP schools in Canberra. We currently have 10 member schools; including:
– Radford College
– Holy Trinity Primary School
– Charles Weston School
– Red Hill School
– Forrest Primary School
– Canberra Grammar School
– Canberra Girls Grammar School
– Gold Creek School
– North Ainslie Primary School
– Miles Franklin Primary School
Network Coordinators meet each term to promote collaboration between PYP schools in Canberra.
Activities & services
The ACT PYP Network each year hosts regular opportunities for teachers to connect and learn through:
Term 1: Induction workshop for staff who are new to the PYP
Term 2: Job-Alike meetings
Term 3: Leadership masterclass and Keynote
Term 4: Teach Meet