MYP Student Speaker Series Tour 2018

May 09, 2018 - May 23, 2018

ATL Skills for the Year 10 Personal Project (PP)

Presented by Dr John Willison

John knew the topic well, and able to suit it to what the students contributed. The changing nature of the task was very useful as well to keep students interested. It reaffirmed to students that they do all of the ATLs already, so it doesn’t feel like it is extra work.  

– Emily Johnson, Concordia College

Time Required: 1.5 hours

Maximum number of students per event: 140pax

How to Book

The Student Speaker Series is available only to member schools. Student events booked during the 2018 Speaker Series Tour are $700 per event (inclusive of all expenses).
Session times are limited and MUST be booked by Friday 23 March, 2018.

2018 Tour Dates

Sessions are available in the selected cities at the following times:

Auckland - Wednesday 9 May (until 3.00pm) and Friday 11 May

Melbourne - Monday 14 May (until 3.00pm), Tuesday 15 May and Wednesday 16 May (until 5.00pm)

Brisbane - Thursday 17 May (until 3.00pm) and Friday 18 May (until 5.00pm)

Canberra - Monday 21 May (until 3.00pm) and Tuesday 22 May (until 5.00pm)

Program Details

This session is delivered as an in school workshop designed to empower students to make their thinking visible (metacognition) by deepening their awareness of, and use of, Approaches to Learning for their Personal Project.

This is an interactive session that uses stimulating examples to help students to visualise their thinking processes. The session is designed to maximise student engagement early in the Personal Project yet can be adapted for lower year levels.

Professional development for sta that connects with ‘ATL Skills for the Year 10 Personal Project’ is also available. Please contact Rebecca Hammond at [email protected] for further information.

Program Outline

  1. Introduction by PP coordinator
    or Year 10 coordinator on why this session has been arranged for the students (5 minutes).

  2. ‘L Plater’ and SAs requirements: students derive the ATL skills
    in a small-group to large-group controversial activity (30 minutes).

  3. Personal Project worked example, based on ‘L Plater’ (20 minutes)

  4. Clarify ideas for the PP: students work in threes and report back (20 minutes).

  5. What to do next in the PP? (5 minutes). 

Download the flyer for further information




Person Rebecca Hammond
Email [email protected]
Phone +61 (0)407 325 735
Last updated March 06, 2018 04:53